For the last several weeks, I have noticed patterns in articles I have read or anything I encounter. A common thread keeps popping up in different places and as I have reflected on it, it all comes down to where I am right now. I am a 50-something woman awakening to a new strength.
The common thread that stands out to me is the number three. Pythagoras considered 3 the perfect number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding. The number 3 is the smallest number we need to create a pattern and increase memory.1 The power of three is seen in world religions and numerology as well as essay writing structure and marketing campaigns.
One of the topics that I kept coming across was Human Design. I joined a discussion group with Suzanna Arjona at The Alchemy of You, and am beginning to learn some fascinating things! One area that resonated with me was my profile numbers; these express your life theme. My numbers were a 6/2 (Role Model/Hermit) For this post I am focusing on the sixth line, Role Model
The Sixth Line profile has a unique life trajectory that consists of three very different life phases. Each one of these phases is an essential part of your maturing process and necessary for you to fulfill your life purpose of being a role model for authentic living.
A very simplified definition of these three phases is as follows:
1) Birth to 30, gaining life experiences and learning from mistakes.
2) 30-50, learning from your experiences, trusting how life unfolds.
3) Over 50, the role model emerging and sharing your experiences. living authentically.
This speaks to me because it also aligns with my thoughts on the Triskelion, I have a tattoo of this Celtic spiral illustrating the triple goddess; the maiden, the mother, and the crone (wise woman). The Celts believed that everything important came in threes. I have felt myself go through these phases of life. Though I don’t feel like a crone perse (I much prefer the visual of the wise woman) 😅 I do feel the power of coming into a better understanding of the world around me and appreciating life with the wisdom gained through experience.
Another alignment came through reading Valarie Kaur’s book See No Stranger. If you have not read it, I highly recommend it! Later in the book she discusses finding her wise woman within. Think of this as your inner voice or intuition. I have always felt myself to be a very intuitive person, however, that inner voice becomes stronger and clearer as we age. We also have developed confidence as we reach the wise woman phase of life. As a result, we care less about the noise around us and can focus on those important things that make us authentic.
Do you ever discover synchronicities that speak to you? Are you also experiencing mid-life changes and sense your wise woman evolving? I’d love to hear!
Until next time,
And if I may add another 3 for you… our first phase of the 6 line (birth to 30), we actually live as a 3 line: trial and error, learning by doing 😂. I think it’s where we get out best lessons once we reach the Wise Woman stage after 50 😉